Bruneau Jasper - caramel and cream layers from Idaho.Biggs Jasper - muted gold, brown and ebony almost wooden-looking colors from Oregon.These can get even more localized with names reflecting distinct points of origin such as: Russian Jasper - often with reddish spots.Brazilian Jasper - with its green patches.Some Jaspers get their name from where they are found such as: Other varieties include Jaspilite, Poppy and Brecciated Jasper. The popular Bumblebee Jasper is a lovely black and orange striped gemstone but is NOT really a form of Jasper. It is pretty obvious how Yellow Jasper, Red Jasper and Green Jasper get their names as well as the black and white striped Zebra Jasper and the mottled Leopard Jasper. Jasper is often further broken down into varieties according to color, pattern and origin and all told there are probably thousands of different names. The Quartz with larger crystals tends to be transparent to translucent while Quartzes with tiny crystals are usually translucent to opaque. Jasper is a type of Chalcedony along with other very similar gemstones such as Agate, Carnelian, Onyx and many others. Quartz is made of a mixture of silicon and oxygen and comes in two types, one with large crystals such as amethyst, citrine, rose quartz and so on and one with tiny crystals such as Chalcedony. Other oxides, dioxides, metals and even organic material can get mixed up with the Jasper quartz as it grows and cause all sorts of colors and patterns.Ĭolor is very important in the world of gemstones and brightly colored or unusual colored Jasper will be valued more than any dull colored specimen (although someone may be looking for those muted colors) but Jasper is a reasonably priced gemstone so even great coloring does not make it terribly expensive.Ĭlassifying Jasper can be a little complicated so it might be time for a simple geology lesson. If the iron has oxidized during formation, the Jasper gemstone can look green and manganese can cause the blue colors. The most common impurity is iron which gives Jasper its red, brown and yellow hues. Jasper is a type of Chalcedony but contains a high percentage of other material, up to 20 per cent, and it is this that gives this gemstone its color variations. The colors are not restricted to just one, Jasper tends to have two, three or even more colors on the same gemstone. Jasper gemstones can come in almost any color but do tend to be earthy tones reds, browns, oranges, yellows and greens are the most common although blues and purples are not unheard of. Nowadays, with scientific help, we can identify it a bit more easily (although it is still a tricky customer) and with discoveries of Jasper all over the world it is quite affordable yet no less beautiful. In ancient times it was considered very rare and precious but was probably confused with other gemstones such as jade, nephrite and carnelian. It is mentioned several times in the bible and was fashioned into tools, seals, beads and ornaments from the Harappan Empire in the Indus River valley to the Minoan Kingdom of the Greek Island of Crete.
#Jasper stone blue plus
These unique colors and patterns plus its hardness and polish have made it a favorite gemstone for millennia, used by Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. The swirling patterns, the flecks of color, daubs of red, green and yellow, the woody or organic looking patches all make this a truly unique gemstone. The word Jasper means spotted or speckled stone and when you see the huge variety of gemstones that appear under this name you can understand why.
#Jasper stone blue skin
The Blue Jasper could be effective against eczema and skin problems in general.Natural Jasper Gemstones Jasper Introduction It reduces sea sickness and problems of the inner ear. The Blue Jasper could help stabilize the iodine and sodium present in the body and relieves water retention. It serves as a good drain for removing toxins from the body, especially those that cause body odors and flatulence. It is useful for removing toxins and for regulation It is a boost, energy and strength provider necessary to go ahead and fight more easily in our everyday life. It stabilizes the woman during pregnancy and helps with the development of the baby.

It provokes a loving feeling, helping to activate sexual activity and cure impotence and frigidity. The Blue Jasper could be used as an aphrodisiac. It is a good aphrodisiac and an emotional enhancer

It could tone the blood and be a good repairer of the internal organs. It could be used for digestive, hepatic, stomach and renal problems as well as for intestinal inflammation, hemorrhage, joints pain and muscle contractures.